We have a number of community groups that meet within our premises.
For more details the groups can be contacted directly.
Alcoholics Anonymous
These are open meetings (alcoholics, problem drinkers and non-alcoholics are welcome). The focus of the meetings is to help you maintain sobriety through mutual aid and to discuss recovery in a rational way.
Wednesday evening from 8.00pm in the Upper room.
More details can be found on their website www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk.
Hyo Gen Do Karate
Hyo Gen Do Karate is run by Sensei Steve Groom who is a 4th Dan Black Belt.
Tuesday evenings from 5.30pm.
More details can be found on their website www.hyogendo.co.uk.
Swanley Dance Academy
Classes held in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street and cheerleading for all ages from 3+.
Contact Principal Mrs Lindsey Dines on 07739 489330 or email swanley_dance_academy@yahoo.co.uk.
Swanley Kindergarten
A pre-school for children aged 2 - 4 years. Swanley Kindergarten has been running for over 30 years and meets during term time.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 9.15 - 3.00pm
Visit their website: www.swanleykindergartenpreschool.com for more information
Contact Faye or Annette on 07562 728244 or email preschool123@hotmail.co.uk