

We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am to worship together and celebrate our Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Everyone is welcome to join us for worship and to listen to what God has to say to us for now and the coming week.

 Spectrum Sunday school sessions are back on Sunday mornings (weeks 2, 3 and 4 each month).   We have four groups for our children & young adults starting from our creche babies all the way upto those who are in 6th form.   For more information on Spectrum Sunday school please see our Young People

The Minister and Pastoral Care Team would love to keep in touch with you  and there are a variety of different ways to meet with you including video chats, phone calls, WhatsApp and Zoom.  If you would welcome a call from one of the team, please let us know.     We also offer personal prayer ministry after our Sunday service, just look out for one of the Ministry Team who are wearing purple lanyards. 

If you would like prayer at this time or are in need of a call from our Minister, please fill out a Prayer Request Form which will wing its way to our Minister and Prayer Warriors who are waiting to pray for you.   

With the other churches in Swanley, we operate a Healing Prayer Centre on the third Saturday of each month between 10.00am and 12.00 noon.  If you are in need of prayer for yourself or someone close to you please pop in at any time over these mornings.   

We have teams who meet regularly to pray for individuals, our town and local businesses, for our nation and other areas of the world.    If you would like to be included in these prayers please complete one of our Prayer Request Forms and we will include you in our meets.

 If you need further information on anything mentioned above please click the 'Contact Us' tab at the bottom of this page.

We are aware that many of you may still be shielding or just not ready to be with us in person and so we regularly upload our sermons as podcasts (search Christ Church Swanley Media on your usual podcast app).   You can also view past services on our YouTube channel, Christ Church Swanley. 

God Bless You

Page last updated: Friday 5th January 2024 1:32 PM


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