Prayer Life

We believe in the importance of prayer. Relationships need communication and our relationship with God is no different. God wants us to talk to him constantly and He desires to talk us constantly too.

We encourage everyone at Christ Church to pray and on Tuesdays we encourage everyone to fast a meal or more. 

Our prayer is not limited to ourselves but also our church, our town, our nation and our world.

Prayer meetings

We meet in the church to pray together on Tuesday mornings at 10am and over zoom on Tuesday evenings at 8pm.  If you would like to join us you would be most welcome.

Prayer ministry

During our church services we set aside time for prayer. We include specific prayer ministry in our ministry services and always have someone from the Ministry Team available to pray for you (recognisable by their purple lanyard)

Prayer chain

When the need for prayer is urgent and immediate we have an active ‘Prayer Chain’. This is a team of people who provide 7-days a week coverage to praying for people or situations as needs arise. If you are in need of prayer then we would love to pray for you, please get in touch by phoning the Church Office or completing a Prayer Request Form.

Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 97:10

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