We have a number of community groups that meet within our premises.
For more details the groups can be contacted directly.
Alcoholics Anonymous
These are open meetings (alcoholics, problem drinkers and non-alcoholics are welcome). The focus of the meetings is to help you maintain sobriety through mutual aid and to discuss recovery in a rational way.
Wednesday evening from 8.00pm in the Upper room.
More details can be found on their website www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk.
Hyo Gen Do Karate
Hyo Gen Do Karate is run by Sensei Steve Groom who is a 4th Dan Black Belt.
Tuesday evenings from 5.30pm.
More details can be found on their website www.hyogendo.co.uk.
Slimming World
Come along and join a friendly group run by Paula Fuller
Saturday mornings from 8.00am - 11.00am.
Contact Paula on 07891424401
Swanley Dance Academy
Classes held in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street and cheerleading for all ages from 3+.
Contact Principal Mrs Lindsey Dines on 07739 489330 or email swanley_dance_academy@yahoo.co.uk.
Swanley Kindergarten
A pre-school for children aged 2 - 4 years. Swanley Kindergarten has been running for over 30 years and meets during term time.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 9.15 - 3.00pm
Visit their website: www.swanleykindergartenpreschool.com for more information
Contact Faye or Annette on 07562 728244 or email preschool123@hotmail.co.uk