Christmas Messy Church Activities

Things you'll need for  Christmas Messy Church 

On Sunday 20th December at 2.30pm a new video will be released onto our church YouTube page (  for our virtual Christmas Messy Church.  

If you want to join in these are things that you will need ready:

Each person will need

  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • Empty milk bottle
  • Bible verse sheet (see below for download)
  • Milk carton templates (see below for download)
  • Paper plate
  • Piece of white paper

Items that can be shared are:

  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Brown paint (colouring pen/pencil could also be used)
  • Yellow colouring pen or pencil
  • Ball of wool (Yellow, orange or brown coloured is best)


To get all of these ready you can either collect it all yourself or you can request a Christmas Messy Church craft bag to be made up which contains all of the things in the each person list (milk bottle does depend on how much milk I can drink!). If you would like any of these bags for your children or friends/family then please let Kirsty know by Saturday 5th December. These bags will then be made up, left for the regulation 72 hours and a covid-secure way of getting them to you will be found.This will be dependent on your location, numbers wanting pack and lockdown regulations at the time of Messy Church.

If you have any questions please ask. We can’t wait to learn about Jesus’ miracles with you and your families.

For more information or to ask for a activity pack please email Kirsty & Karen via the church office email :

Don't forget to join us on Sunday 20th December at 2.30pm on the Christ Church Swanley YouTube channel. 


Kirsty and Karen


Downloadable Bible Verse

Downloadable Milk bottle template Number 1

Downloadable Milk bottle template Number 2






Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4

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