
Our mid-week housegroups are a fantastic way to build community, learn more about God and his Word, and feel part of a bigger family. It is in small groups that we do life together.

At Christ Church we have a wide range of groups that meet regularly to explore what it means to be a Christian and follow Jesus. We do this through worship, bible study, sharing a coffee and a prayer, over shared interests and much more.

There is a group for everyone!

We strongly encourage all of our members to be an active part of a housegroup. If you are interested and want to learn more, please contact us!

Housegroup 1

We enjoy fellowship, sharing experiences and supporting one another. We have lively discussions and debates when looking at sections of the Bible and take our time looking at what God has to say to through His word, which is very much alive and relevant for today. It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit guides us as we pray and worship. We love to chat over a cup of tea and something to eat!

  • Meets fortnightly on Monday evenings.


House Group 2

We are a friendly group who enjoy having a mixed programme of events for every term. Most meetings include a time for coffee and biscuits, worship and prayer. We look at individual books of the Bible, Bible themes and also discuss contemporary Christian issues and review Christian programmes on television. We enjoy social events also where we relax with food and drinks!

  • Meets fortnightly on Thursday evenings.


Housegroup 3

We meet fortnightly  and are a diverse group who enjoy studying books of The Bible and the discussions which arise from them.  We may all be different, but we have one thing in common - that we believe in the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit . During our meetings we also pray for each other and our town, as well as the nation and the world.

  • Meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons



Our diverse house group enjoys worship and bible study together. We also have a heart for outreach and families. We actively work on making new worshippers at Christ Church and all visitors welcome and included. We are a mix of singles and couples.

  • Meets fortnightly on Thursday evenings.



Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4

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