Vision Teams

Our Vision teams are special groups that focus on furthering the ministry of the church in a particular area and way.

Community Action

We are a team that acts to serve our church and our town by practical means of service.

We organise and run a monthly Community Lunch, litter picking in our local parks, as well as a weekly Healthy Living group that is open to all.

Through the year we put on Quizzes, Games afternoons and Talent Shows which we open to everyone to join our church family for fun and entertainment.

  • Meets monthly on a Wednesday evening.


We are a team with a specific heart for worship.

This includes both the team leading worship at our services and also anyone with a general desire to learn more and go deeper in their worship of God. 

Our meets consist of a wide variety of styles and activities; workshops learning about different aspects of worship, inspirational talks, breaking down songs and seeing the scriptures running through them, and practical training sessions. We also meet together socially to help build strong relationships with each other and to encourage and grow our faith.

You don't need to be part of the worship team at a Sunday service to take part - we welcome anyone with a heart for worship at Christ Church.

  • Meets monthly.

Overseas Mission

We are a team with a heart for the overseas and persecuted church.

Our aims are;

  1. to seek to establish links with a church or ministry abroad in a country where Christians suffer persecution.

  2. to encourage church members to go on mission trips.

  3. to raise the profile of the persecuted church.

We actively maintain up to date news of our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 

  • Meets quarterly.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4

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