Sunday Services

Sundays are the day where we all come together as family to pray, to be taught, to worship and to enjoy fellowship with our God and with each other.

We would love to meet you at one of our services! 

8.45am Early Morning Service

  • Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month

This is a shorter, quieter, more contemplative service where we enjoy a more traditional style of service and worship.

Holy Communion takes place during this service.

Please note there are no children’s groups available during our early services.

10.30am Main Service

  • Every Sunday

Our main service is a lively contemporary service with youth groups provided for children of all ages.

On the 1st Sunday of the month we hold a shorter all-age worship service for the entire family.

We also have ministry services each month where we provide prayer for healing to those who request it.

On the 2nd and 4th Sunday's of each month we have Holy Communion during the service.

After our morning services we meet together in our Centre for refreshments and to chat (usually with cake!).

Messy Church

This is our children-focused service held on selected Sundays at 2.30pm for primary school aged children. It’s a chance to get Messy! Adults are catered for with refreshments whilst children are free to engage in lots of arts and crafts, games, bible stories and dancing to lively child-friendly worship songs.

If your children are restless they will love Messy Church! This is a great way for you and your children to meet other families and make new friends, all whilst learning about Jesus!

Our 2025 dates are;

  • 13th April - Messy Easter

  • 6th July -   Messy Summer - Held at 10.30am within our Family Service

  • 31st October - This is our Light Party Event held in the evening.  An alternative to Halloween, this is a bookable event.

  • 7th December - Messy Christmas

For more information on our Messy Church events please email Kirsty & Karen : 


Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4

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